Dr. Emme Devonish Interviewed on the Solve It! For Kids Podcast
When I’m not coaching individuals and organizations on how they can branch out to meet their highest potential, I enjoy hiking, writing, gardening, and serving my community.
At the River City Writers (the Jacksonville chapter of the Florida Writer’s Association) meeting in January, I met the guest speaker and host of the Solve It! for Kids podcast, Jennifer Swanson. After her presentation, we spoke about her pleasure in writing science books for children as well as my joy in writing poetry and fiction that connects with animals and nature. I mentioned my passion for whales and outreach efforts as an Amelia Island Whale Ambassador, and Jennifer invited me as a guest on Solve It! for Kids.
You can listen to the Earth Day edition (episode 206) of the podcast here: https://solveitforkids.com/podcast/episode-206-why-are-whales-important
The North Atlantic Right Whale
Our discussion during the podcast centered largely around conservation of the North Atlantic Right Whale and the importance of the species. We also discussed what people can do to assist in the conservation effort, which is essential for the survival of this ancient creature. Although the Right Whale is no longer hunted, approximately 340 remain in the world primarily because vessel strikes and rope entanglements are killing them. A shocking visual of mankind’s destruction of these whales can be witnessed in the 2021 film, The Last of the Right Whale.
We need to act now to protect the Right Whale, which is beneficial to the sustainability of our entire ecosystem. Whales provide nutrients essential to the healthy development of phytoplankton, which consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Whales help us breathe!
How You Can Help
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lists the North Atlantic Right Whale as an endangered species, however, there is legislation proposed to increase budgets for conservation. Additionally, new technologies for ropeless fishing gear now exist to reduce entanglements without harming the livelihoods of those who rely on the fishing industry. These initiatives need our support to succeed in conserving and regenerating these mammals.
Some organizations working to save the North Atlantic Right Whale include the Amelia Island Whale Ambassadors, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries, Blue World Research Institute, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Oceana, and Whale and Dolphin Conservation USA. You can volunteer with these organizations as well as assist with raising awareness during the annual Right Whale Festival on Amelia Island.
Education, Creativity, Nature, and Poetry
Haikus are a wonderful way to teach children about poetry and creativity. During my interview on Solve It! for Kids, I read my poem 2040 and challenged the audience, both teachers and students, to write a haiku about a whale or the ocean.
Since recording the episode, I have thought a lot about the challenge and decided to extend it to everyone.
Write a haiku about whales or the ocean and send it to me! I will be creating a Pinterest board to share your whale and ocean haikus, and will also publish them here on the blog. Send your haikus to creative@emmedevonish.com.
I had a great experience as a guest on Solve It! for Kids and am always excited to connect with anything related to science, nature, and poetry. You can listen to the episode in its entirety here: https://solveitforkids.com/podcast/episode-206-why-are-whales-important